about us
Advent Lutheran Church
4306 132nd St SE
Mill Creek, WA 98012
Office HoursMon-Thurs: 10-3Advent Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA)
and is a
Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation
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December Newsletter
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January 2025 Newsletter
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All are Welcome Here!
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we support, welcome, and inspire the full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the church and the world. We are a community committed to the work of racial equity, bringing justice for all of God's beloveds.
AA and Al-Anon
We have several Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Al-Anon groups that meet at our church and bless us with their presence (AA groups meet in the A building and the C building). For current meeting times, please visit:
Advent Lutheran Church believes in giving back to the community, including through the church's Garden of Giving. During 2024, the Garden of Giving donated over 5889.1 lbs of produce to the Snohomish Food Bank! The church thanks all of the garden volunteers, and especially Lynn Riley for their steadfast commitment!
ALL are welcome!
Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30
In Person
and on YouTube
(links above)
Sunday School
for Pre-K and Up
After the Family Lesson
Building A| Room A3
All kids are invited to join us in Sunday School each week or stay with your family and enjoy our activity bags or coloring area in the entryway of the Sanctuary.
We always return before communion so that all of God's people can come to the Table.
Masks are always welcome in the Sanctuary and at all church functions.
If you are feeling ill,please stay home
and worship online
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
-John 1:5
1st & 3rd Thursday
at Fellowship Hall
Our hands can do magical things. We meet to make quilts primarily for Lutheran World Relief, and graduating seniors. If interested, come and join us.
Support the ministries of Advent Lutheran Church with our secure online giving page. Click the "Give Online" link above to make your donation.
Thank you for supporting Advent Lutheran Church!_______________
Do you have a prayer request?
Advent Lutheran Church is a praying congregation - we believe in the power of prayer to mend broken hearts and broken lives, bring healing, and to reveal truth. Please send your prayer requests to: prayerrequests@adventlutheran.net
All are welcome!
Welcome Statement
We extend our welcome to people of all races, cultures and colors; to people of all sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity; to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities; to people of every legal economic and marital status; and to all those whom the world seeks to separate, divide or isolate.
We celebrate your identity as a gift from God, and we welcome you to a diverse community united by our faith.
We welcome you to receive God’s grace given to all regardless of our worldly successes or failures.
Together we commit ourselves to embrace the continuing work of anti-racism, social and economic justice, and environmental care.
"Welcome one another therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." -Romans 15:7