
We worship every Sunday at 9:30 am, both in-person and live-streaming online on our channel on YouTube

For in-person services, masks are encouraged.

We invite you to join us each week for worship!

Worship is the connecting hub for all we do at Advent.  It's the place where we are called, gathered, equipped, and sent for service in the community.  Don't worry about "what to wear" or "how to act" -- come as you are and join us as we encounter God in Word and Sacrament.

Advent is a Reconciled in Christ (RIC) Congregation.   "We extend our welcome to people of all races, cultures and colors; to people of all sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity; to people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities; to people of every legal, economic, and marital status; and to all those whom the world seeks to separate, divide, or isolate."

"We celebrate your identity as a gift from God, and we welcome you to a diverse community united by our faith.  We welcome you to receive God's grace given to all regardless of our worldly successes or failures.  Welcome one another therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God."  (Romans 15:7)



This is a great place to get to know each other, to grow in faith, to live out our faith, and to have a lot of fun!  We aim to have a monthly activity, and a monthly service project.  For more information contact our Youth and Family Director, Bryant Williams

Vacation Bible School

Join us for Vacation Bible School in 2023!

July 24-26, 2023     5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

More details coming soon!


Come sing with us!  Advent's Choir rehearses on Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary, and sing twice a month at worship and at special worship events. 

For more info, please email Kirsten Lysen

Resources for Choir

Columbarium / Memory Wall

Advent Lutheran Church’s Columbarium


What is a Columbarium and Niche:

Columbariums have gained popularity as another option to burials of loved ones and as a permanent resting place to store their cremated remains. 

Niche refers to the individual unit that your loved one’s ashes may be stored in.

A stone bench and a table in front of a building

Description automatically generatedColumbariums are not new and date back to the Roman Empire. As they gained popularity in the Roman Empire, the tradition endured and eventually evolved to what we know today. They are generally located in cemeteries or on Church grounds.

Advent’s Columbarium

Advent’s Columbarium is a structure currently containing seventy-two (72)  niches. Each niche (12X12 in) holds up to two urns into which cremated ashes of loved ones are held. Name, date of birth and death of the deceased  are inscribed on memorial plaques which identify them, close and secure the niche.

A person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedAdvent’s Columbarium is a place for the respectful placement of these urns. It’s surrounding gardens provide a space intended for relaxation, meditation and contemplation. It serves as a place that welcomes you into a state of mind, bringing peace and solace and as a dedicated area that you can go to remember loved ones and for healing prayer and discernment.

Currently there are two Columbarium structures installed at Advent Lutheran Church. The original structure was installed in 2010 and the newest structure was installed in 2023. Both structures contain thirty-six niches.

Advent’s Memorial Wall

A black marble Cenotaph wall sits between the two Columbarium units. We’ve named this memorial wall “For All The Saints” and it is intended as an everlasting tribute to loved ones entombed or ashes scattered elsewhere.

Fees: Currently engraving costs for a loved one’s name, birth & death year on “For All The Saints” wall is $250.                                                                                                                                     

Policies & Cost

While Advent’s Columbarium niches are primarily for Church members and their immediate family members, others are welcome with the written approval of the Columbarium Committee and the Church’s lead pastor.


Ø  The fee for a niche in the original Columbarium structure remains at the original price of $1500.

NOTE: There are only a very few niches available in the original Columbarium structure.

Ø  The fee for a niche in the newest Columbarium structure is $2500.

Fifteen percent of fees are set aside in a perpetual fund for maintenance of the Columbarium.

A stone table and bench in front of a building

Description automatically generatedMORE INFORMATION: Contact

If you wish to purchase a niche, or for more information, contact Advent Lutheran Church:  

Ø  425-337-5373 or

Ø  Email: ChurchOffice@AdventLutheran.net.

The Church Office will contact a member of the Columbarium Committee who will then contact you to answer questions, explain the process and assist you in filling out necessary forms..

Columbarium Committee:  Walter Liebetrau, Sandy Hoyt, Ray Hoyt, Sandy Barrett; Phil Clements; Nancy Fisher; Tammie Green; Bill Mauge; Fred Row